Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where the Wild Wind Blows by Nancy Morse

Katie McCabe, daughter of an Indian trader, finds herself alone when her family is killed in a battle between the Army and the Indians. She is rescued by Black Moon, a fierce Lakota warrior who has vowed to keep the white people from taking his land, and she is taken to live with his people.

Can the love that ignites between these two wild hearts survive treachery, abduction, prejudice, a promise to a dying woman and the tensions that erupt between the Sioux and the Army?  From the desolation of the Great Plains to the opulence of St. Louis, a headstrong white girl and a proud Lakota warrior fight for their love and the wild country of their birth.

Where the Wild Wind Blows is an Historical Romance Novel
(Approx 84, 000 words / 141 pages)
Find out more about Nancy and Where the Wild Wind Blows at
Find the ebook HERE

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