Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Before We Leave by Mari Collier

Before We Leave continues the saga of a Thalian-Justine mutant from the planet Thalia. He has taken the name MacDonald on Earth.  He has the spaceship to return to his planet and complete his mother’s revenge on the Justines.  He needs to gather a force to leave with him, but first he must raise his Earth daughter and convince others to go with him.  

Before they leave the Earth they experience mutant offspring elopements, Comanche and outlaw raids, hangings, blizzards, madness, quarrels within the family, and a FBI investigation.  The remaining family mutants will be trained to staff the MacDonald Corporation and carry on their family traditions.
Before We Leave is a Sci-Fi Novel
(Approx 86, 000 words)
Find out more about Mari at www.maricollier.com
Find the ebook HERE


  1. This is the first tine I've seen this. Thank you! I have a new publisher and Before We Leave is now available in audible, hardcover, paperback, and of course Digital Thanks again.
