Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Lost Treasure, Buried Away at Grovnor Castle by V. Bertolaccini

The treasure is buried away for centuries, hidden away within a secret chamber, with no precise suggestion of its existence, even after being scanned by archeologists with the most advanced and up-to-date equipment.
The clues to its whereabouts are an ancient riddle: where the last dwell, the markings on a tomb, and legends of treasure passed down to generations of castle owners.
The castle's mysteries are lost in time, for someone, someday, to come along and find the answer to - to discover what is hidden away there.
A group of people are forced into staying at the castle, for a week, to explore the immense castle, and vast estate - as they are fanatical with hunting and getting their hands on the treasure, which they believe has been left there by the late owner - even after two major murders, and televised police investigations.
One of the servants is found murdered, and hidden away, near the kitchen, and the treasure hunt transforms into a predicament! Yet they have the opportunity to investigate the mysterious castle, which has tormented their lives!
Mysterious incidences continue to occur, including another murder, of a reporter, whom they catch watching them from the surrounding woods.
Can the explorers hit upon or verify the existence of lost treasures from the few clues and tales deficient of any proper substantiation? Can they perceive and comprehend anything from the chaos of indistinguishable facts? Can they establish the existence of anything from the few riddles and extraordinary tales?
The treasure in the end is found where nobody anticipated it to be, and though they guess where the killer will strike next, and catch him, they are astonished at who it is.
The Lost Treasure, Buried Away at Grovnor Castle is an Adventure / Mystery Novel
(Approx 65, 000 words)
Find the ebook HERE

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