Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Terror by Night by R. W. Ley

In the space of three months, Libby Bartlett acquires a psychotic stalker and two potential suitors. As the actor seeks to win her heart and the detective works to protect her life, the question remains; who is the stalker and why is he targeting Libby? 

Adding to her drama, the two suitors begin to form a friendship of their own as they work together to keep Libby safe from the psychopath who has targeted her. Faced with two would-be heroes, she is torn between the dashing English prince charming and the daring American white knight. 

When the stalker’s attentions turn deadly she turns to her ultimate protection, her faith in God. Her silent prayers throughout her ordeal keep her sane, if not entirely safe.
Terror by Night is a Christian Suspense Novel
(Approx 81, 000 words / 278 pages)
Find out more about R. W. Ley and Terror by Night at www.rwley.com
Buy the ebook HERE

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